Monday, November 8, 2010

BFF “puffed” Animals

Emma and her friend Aaliyah used Emma’s stuffed animal stuffer/maker to make BFF “puffed” animals.  Emma chose a doll and Aaliyah a bear.  DSC06099DSC06100DSC06105

They even made paper hearts like they do at Build-a-Bear.


Such sweet girls.  We’re going to have as much play time as we can the next two days. Luckily they are leaving on Thursday.  Emma doesn’t have school that day.  We’ll have to find something fun to go do.


She tells me tonight “I’m going to miss the Stout’s & my dad.” Sweet thing.


Aidan felt a bit left out.  So he had fun after the girls were done.


And well, Isaac.  He learned to climb on a chair tonight.  And on the table. Let’s just say I wish some of that stuffing had been on the floor for his landing. Yikes.     

And for the record Emma has always called Stuffed animals PUFFED animals.  We think it’s super cute. I was a bit worried that Stuffed Animal day at school last week might make Emma realize she says it different, but she didn’t. Yay!  She loves puffed animals particularly small puffed animals.


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